Goldington Family Centre
- Website
- Telephone
- 01234 341977
- Location
28-30 Meadway
MK41 9HU
GfC aims to provide advice, guidance and counselling to enable parents to maintain the family unit, enhance self-esteem, parenting skills and resources, and enable children to achieve and maintain appropriate development in all areas.
The Charities main objectives are to:
Maintain the family as a cohesive unit and prevent the harm that arises from family breakdown and abuse.
Provide advice, guidance and counselling, to enable parents in the local area to maintain the family unit.
Enhance the parents’ self-esteem and parenting skills and resources, where they are depleted or underdeveloped.
Enable children to achieve and maintain appropriate physical, emotional, social and behavioural development.
Protect children from the harm that arises from family breakdown or abuse within the family.
GfC maintains a mantra of “Families First” throughout all their work with parents, carers and children.
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